Life is not to be endured but an adventure to be lived!

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During these stressful times with COVID-19, I am offering teletherapy through video for both current and new clients.


Provide biblically-based counseling and support services

to bring hope, healing and wholeness.


Teach people how to bring God their pain so that He can

heal their hearts and make them whole.

Alive at Last Ministries is devoted to helping those who are struggling to make life work despite past mistakes, abuse and dysfunction.  It is for those who believe their life is nothing more than a series of bad decisions.  It is for people who don’t know how to behave and at times don’t even want to.  It is for the helpless that are unable to fill the gaping holes in their life, no matter how hard they try.  It is for wounded who have found love in all the wrong places; eat to fill their emptiness; shop despite how full their closets are, and feel like they are utterly dying inside because they have so much pain and bitterness from all the hurt they have endured.  It is for people who just don’t know where they fit, while wondering who they are and why they are here.  It is a safe place to address their struggles with addictions, secrets and unforgiveness.  It’s where they can meet Jesus and learn He is not the condemning God they have always thought He was.  


We are not a religious organization with a list of dos and don’ts.  We are a place where you can come and learn how to be real in the healing presence of a loving God, without feeling condemned for the things you have done in your past.  He knows all your secrets and loves you dearly in spite of them.  He loves you unconditionally, and He wants to help you face them and put them to rest once and for all.


We live in a world where many wear masks.  Alive at Last Ministries is a safe place to remove them and learn who we really are and why we were created.   The world can be a scary place...but it isn’t nearly as frightening when you learn how to live up close and personal with the One who created both you and the world. 


Here at Alive at Last Ministries, we want to teach you how to do just that.  We want to help you address everything that has prevented you from being the real you... We want to help you become all you were created to be in an atmosphere of love and tenderness.  


It doesn’t matter what you have done in the past.  What matters is whether you have the willingness to do the work required to walk into your future free and clear.  Healing can be very painful, but if you refuse to give up, you’ll be a brand new person on the other side...A person who will utterly amaze you.  When you look back at your past, it will seem as if you were a different person...because you were!

What we offer at this point of our development

Counseling Sessions

Coaching Sessions

Inner Healing Prayer

Small groups are coming soon as are wellness opportunities

Contact Information:

Suzanna Warren

Licensed Professional Counselor

71 S. 20th Street, Suite 112

Battle Creek MI 49015

We accept

Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Blue Care Network, Blue Care Complete, Medicaid, Meridian, United Health Care, Golden Rule, ComPsych.

We have a sliding fee scale for those without insurance coverage. 


Our goal is to help those who are willing to invest in themselves.